Monday, October 1, 2012

...Back in the Day

I was chatting with one of my friends recently. We had a nice time talking about "The Good Old Days", I didn't think we were old enough to do that yet, but I guess we are.

I skimmed through some of our old photos from high school, fun times. Oh  my how life has changed for me in the last 4 years. Married, Divorced, Baby, Remarried, Baby!!! Crazy! But life is amazing, and I could not be happier. It is fun to take a peek into the past from time to time. 

High School Graduation

Senior Frogs in Honolulu, Hawaii

Bon Fires in Oviedo are some of my favorite memories (me in pink)

ROTC Field Trip in Boca Raton, FL. 

Some of the girls I worked with for several years.

With my dad before Prom. 

My friend Holli, MCBH 2009
Induction to French Honors Society *Principal Lundquist and Madame Bierkan*

First day as a Freshman

diving team

Sensei Michelle and I working at the kids black-belt graduation

Paquettas Birthday, MCBH 2009
Me with my fellow commanding FEMALE officers and our ROTC Col.

The MOST influential man in the world, amazing, truly amazing. We love you.