Thursday, March 29, 2012

Scrapbook Craze

My project for the next 2 weeks is to hurry up and finish scrapbooking the first year of Eveys life. I had done a bit of work here and there, but now it is crunch time. I have to catch up before the next one is born, and so I can pick up on Eveys where I left off!!!

UGH...If you cant find me, dont hear from me, or forgot who I was...Ill be at the kitchen table, scrapping my heart out!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Party Planning

So, as I continue to repeat. My darling daughter will be 1 year old soon...which means its PARTY TIME!

I am busy trying to get things ready, planned, and bought so her day will be special and we can take lots of pictures to show her for the rest of her life!

I cannot believe my baby is growing up so fast.

Her party is a color theme, hot pink and lime green, little splashes of black in there because I like to incorporate Minnie Mouse as well.

Her Mimi bought her adorable birthday party outfit, amazingly it was the perfect colors!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ground Turkey

Who would have thought...My child, who wont eat solid foods other than puffs and yogurt drops was practically BEGGING for our dinner tonight.

She sat on her daddy's lap and kept pointing to his plate saying "dat" which is what she says when she wants something to eat.

What was it...ground turkey with spices, we had stuffed peppers for dinner. They were delicious, and she seemed to agree.

She wanted more and more and more, kept saying "dat" as soon as she was done chewing and swallowing. Too cute.

Pool Time

Today, Evey and I had a very busy day here at home.

She woke up around 9 *yay for sleeping in* at least for her, I was up at about 7, did a bunch of school work until I got worried and went to check on her...There she was in her crib, rolling around with her stuffed animals playing quietly. Melts me every time!

After she had her Banana Raspberry Oatmeal for breakfast and a small glass of milk, we went out for a long walk. Mama needs to get a little bit of sunshine on her skin!

Then, we came home, played for quite a while, and she was down for a short nap. Only about 30 minutes, enough for me to make a pizza from scratch and eat my lunch.

Once she was awake, she at her lunch too. She had Pears and Butternut squash along with a hand full of puffs.

After she was nice and dirty, it was time for the POOL.

It wasnt as exciting as I had hoped. She hated the cold water, she hated the swimmy diaper, she hated the sun tan lotion, she refused to wear a hat or sunglasses, and she didnt like that she couldnt walk around. UGH.
So, that lasted about 10 minutes, I brought her inside and put her in a warm tub where she DID have lots of fun and got us both soaking wet.

We will try the pool again some day.

Monday, March 12, 2012

11 Months, Yucky Chicken, and Places she Shouldn't be.

Yesterday, Darling girl turned 11 months old! I cannot believe that in 1 short month, our baby will be 1 year old!!!!

Today, Miss E tried a few new foods, ones that she clearly didnt like. She was not up to Pasta,Chicken, and Veggie combo, in fact it ended up in my face. Thanks munchkin!
Instead she chose broccoli, pear, and pea combo, yum!

Little decided she wanted to play in a lot of places she shouldn't be. Such as underneath our dusty end table that gets never used...pulling on wires. Oh what a day.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


I figure since I have been gone from this for far too long, and have been slacking on writing in Evey's baby journal, I had better document some of her milestones.

Well Evey began walking at 9 months, by her self, no holding on! Such a big girl!!!

She waves Hello starting this month, she points and says "Da Da" to her Daddy!

We still have 8 fully grown in teeth, but she is working on several more at the moment.

She is 22 pounds, and 27 inches tall.

Blue eyes still, YAY, and Strawberry blonde hair.

Pudgy little hands and feet, she has grown out of her size 3 shoes.

She wears up to 18 month old clothes, but most are 12 month outfits.

She is in a size 3 diaper soon, probably moving up to a size 4 here shortly, they are getting a little snug!

She has a "Wheeler" smirk, the same one I had as a little one, we love it.

Evey loves to follow you around the house and clap her hands...

Oh yeah she will clap her hands for you!

She LOVES Bananas, apples, blueberries, pears, strawberries, peaches, prunes, squash, chicken, ICE CREAM, mangos, and we are working on a few veggies right now, those are not her favorite...they are quite hit or miss with this child.

Her favorite snacks are PUFFS, love love love them, she devours the Banana ones, shoves a hold handful in her mouth and runs away.

She is sweet, but determined to get what she wants, stubborn little one...I love every second of it!

Little miss is still best friends with her pal BOO!!!

Now she rides in a big girl car seat, still rear racing, until she is 2. Her car seat can fit me, and hold my weight, its super safe and has amazing ratings, we love it and so does she!

Quiet Morning

So far today Evey is not quite as hyper as she usually is. She started her morning off chasing daddy around our room while he was getting ready for work. Then her and I had some mommy and baby music/dance time thanks to the Toddler Channel on Pandora. Now she's begging for me to play with her. Until later...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Just to catch you up!

Its Nap Time!

Evey is finally down for her nap for the day, YES!

As much as I wish this means I get a break to kick back and do what I want, I don't.

Time to finish up another semester of school, get some house work done, nurse my headache, and figure out what I have to do for the rest of the week.

I cannot believe that in just a few days my "Baby" will be 11 months old, wow time goes by too quickly.

We recently found out that our little bun in the oven is a BOY, so here comes Andrew P. Ulsher III, yup...3rd!

Little one and I have been having some fun enjoying the sun and grass in the back yard lately. The weather has been pretty decent, until today...cooped up is what we are now!

Teething again is also what we are, I swear this kid will have her entire set of first teeth before her first birthday, I think we are up to 10 now, and she is cutting SEVERAL more at the moment, not just one...or two..but SEVERAL. It hurts mommy and daddy just as much as it hurts her...Only, we are losing our sanity!