Wednesday, June 13, 2012


"Dada? Dada?"- She thinks every noise outside is Andrew getting home.
Every one wakes up demanding pearls...

My little builder

ya...she found the water bucket 

14 Months

On the 11th little miss turned 14 months old, she thought no one noticed. I cannot believe she is getting so old!!!

She has all but about 2 of her teeth already, she walks, talks, runs, bounces, climbs, swings, sings, and kisses.

Oh, and she eats :)

This girl can put away food like a garbage disposal, I think she gets it from her Mama. Or, Hippo as she now refers to me as.

We have been busy lately, visiting with friends, prepping for baby brother and just living life.

Andy (grandpa father in law whatever you want to call him) will be here this weekend *excuse me, why is there no Joan...still looking for a substantial answer*!!! We are going to celebrate Fathers day weekend and hopefully have a very enjoyable weekend. A small BBQ is planned for Saturday so Andrew can make his brisket...oh for the love of brisket that I am so sick of hearing about (love you honey).

More updates on Evey later, I need to relax, stressful day.

Baby Blues

Friday, June 8, 2012

Being a Mother

I start off with this wonderful quote today because I truly believe in it.

I am a mother, before my daughter was even born, I was her mother.

It honestly takes a lot to be a "good" mother. You have to be the most selfless, loving, caring, responsible, sleep deprived person that you could ever be. Sometimes I think there should be some kind of intense training on how to be a mother, because it seems that its not always natural for everyone, which is O.K. we are all human, right?

To me, It is the best thing in the world (doughnuts and puppies are close rivals, Just Kidding of course).

I am always, always, always thinking about my children. ALWAYS. I dream about them, I worry about them, I just cannot take them off of my mind.

As a mother I find it incredibly important to be a positive role model to my littles. I have high hopes of teaching my children how to have healthy relationships, how to respect others, give them advice when they need and want it, spend time with them every day just soaking them in, and showering them with love always.

Right now in this point in my daughter and sons lives, I make the calls, I am responsible for their life,health,and happiness...and I take that seriously. I protect them from the things that could take away from their innocence (unhealthy people, scary animals, crazies, toxins, you know...the norm). Andrew and I want positive and healthy influences for our children, later on in life they will have no choice but to face undesirable people and situations, but for now while they are my babies, they will be shielded.

Being a mama means making a lot of choices, I feel and believe that I make the best choices for my children. One day I do not get to make choices for my children, but I will help them make the best choices to stay on their feet, keep their heads high, and keep them positive and loving life. Too many children fall into the arms of parents that don't push, that don't open their minds and lift them up...that is so sad to me. Your parents should ALWAYS want better for you, and do what they can to HELP you achieve that.
Just a bunch of NUTS!

Moving on to other things, like FATHERS! Yay for it almost being fathers day. My hunny makes an excellent father. I have never seen someones face light up so much from being around their baby. Sometimes I have to catch myself before I start tearing up while watching them play and laugh together. He is amazing, My children have an amazing father, so lucky!

I will have to find some fun quotes and stories of Daddy's. It is such an important role in a child's life and should not be taken lightly. Evey loves her Dada, more than her toes I think. :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Since Andrew and I got the new camera we have been having fun taking a lot of photos of Evey, however we are in much need of a crash course on how to WORK the high tech piece of equipment.

I have been playing with the more than awesome "Selective Color" feature, wow is it cool! It is a lot easier than what I thought it would be. Thanks to YouTube I just looked up a simple directional video and BAM now I've got it.

Hopefully soon my "Nikon For Dummies" book will arrive so we can get down to the nitty gritty and be prepared for when little Andrew arrives, which to be honest...could be any day now, although I would prefer he stay baking until at least after July 1st.

We are getting so excited, I love Andrews reaction to the little one kicking him from inside of me, its like they are talking to each other. ( seriously though, its cute) I'm not crazy. I think Evey somehow realizes that something is going to change, she sees all of the "baby" stuff rolling in through the door thanks to a few lovely people that have helped us out a lot. They are only babies once and we are having fun spoiling them!

Thank goodness I went over my checklist, It seems that we have most of what we need for the next little one. I had a few moments of freaking out about that last week...all better now!

Now all we need is a bundle of baby boy!!!

Is this cool or what? I did this all on the camera itself. AWESOME!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


My favorite quote of the day is one I've had on my mind a lot lately, it just seems to fit so well with things happening around me. I wish people would more often examin their own behaviors... "your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does." I'm loving it.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Park Pictures

As I promised, More pictures of Evey at the park. 

She really did love it, especially playing in the dirt. So much like her Mama.

She Made me Melt

Evey melted my heart last night.

I know for sure that she will be such an amazing big sister. She loves "Babies".

Our friends Carli and Joe brought over their 5 month old son, Brahe, for dinner last night.

Miss Evey was so cute with him, she gave him kisses and tried to share her animal crackers with him. It was so sweet.

He laughed and drooled at her, and then eventually he tried to eat her toes and her dress. Stinkin cute!

Saying "Hello" to each other.

Finally, someone else grabs toes instead of Evey.
She just sat there and let him gnaw on her dress, loved it.

Friday, June 1, 2012

We Went to The Park

Just a sneak peek.

I will post a lot more pictures of our week later.

I hope everyone has a good weekend, we have a bit planned over the next few days. Hopefully we will get some great photos to share with everyone.

P.S. Evey loves the park, even if it feels like we could boil.

Until Later.