Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Toes to the nose

Little is obsessed with her toes again! She went through a phase at about 3 months and it seems that they are fascinating her all over again. Must be a new teething technique. Now that she is cutting 2 more new teeth, she will have a mouth filled with 6 sharp little fangs!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hello number 2!

Looks like Evey will have a sibling to play with soon. We cannot wait to welcome baby #2!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey day!

This year was Evey's first Thanksgiving, and we did it Canadian style! By that I mean our best Canadian friends invited us Americans to dinner instead of us Americans inviting the Canadians for an American Thanksgiving. It was a great time with great friends. Evey was the cutest little turkey!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Happy 1st Halloween to my sweet baby girl. We do not get trick or treaters, so our house is pretty quiet for the night. Evey is dressed up as Minnie Mouse for the night, she looks so cute!

I am sitting in class right now, dead bored. Sometimes these teachers have such droll voices. Yikes.

Well anyways, enjoy pictures of my sweet baby girl on her first Halloween!

What did your children dress up as? Did you take them out for the night, or do something fun at home?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday morning and full bellies!

It's still fairly early. Evey forced me out of bed around 7am. Lucky me, she peed through her diaper and was soaking wet, it's a good day for a bath I suppose!

My honey is still sleeping, we pop in there once an hour and give "daddy" a kiss on the forehead.

Miss Evey had Apple Yogurt Oatmeal today for breakfast, she chowed down on it. Organic of course, and no I didn't make it...although I would love to give it a try.

I've had my morning chai latte, am patiently waiting for Andrew to crawl out of bed so he can help make breakfast. Bacon is on the menu this morning...and no, I can't even make bacon. My idea of making bacon is going to Denny's!

Well. I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday no matter what you are doing today. Tell me what you do on your sundays, I bet it is slightly more interesting than mine!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Awaiting his return!

I cannot wait for my honey to be home! Andrew has been in Vegas for the week, he gets home tonight at about 11...I am so ready. I'm killing time by playing with Evey,sipping my wine, and reading the 4th book in the Twilight saga "Breaking Dawn" since the movie will be out on November 18th! I am actually excited to see this one, but I hate that they had to do it in 2 parts, now I will be left in suspense ( as If I don't know what happens)! I am waiting for my honey! Hurry up my love!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

30 off of 75

Bored. It's a some what drizzly day, which I am thankful for since we are in a drought, makes me sleepy and sluggish. I decided to get Evey and I out of the house for a little while. We went to our little ghetto mall that is less than 5 miles down the road. We only made 2 stops, Dillard's and New York & Company. I bought I gorgeous Antonnio Melani black cocktail dress from Dillard's that was on sale for 35, probably out of season...does a black dress ever go out of style? Not in my book! Then onto my second adventure NY&C is by far one of my favorite places to shop, bought a cute pair of straight leg black slacks, a gorgeous red belted blouse, and 2 pairs of socks. Those were a bit of a joke, I had to buy something small to raise the price to 75 to get my 30 off coupon. It only took 2 ladies and 30 minutes to figure out how to work the register, I'm certain they are still standing there scratching their heads.

Honestly though, the highlight of my outing is a crazy event that seems to happen every time we leave the house.

Every time I take my darling out somewhere, on the ride over she seems to think it is prime time for a morning dump. It never fails,EVERY time we walk out of the door. Of course the best part is... I can't change her in public, she wiggles SO much that it's actually dangerous to change her on a changing table...crazy kid. So, she smells like poop until we are home again and I get to chase her naked butt around the living room praying that she will let me strap a diaper on her before she pees on the carpet....welcome to my afternoon! Yikes. Share your funny baby changing stories with me. I would love to hear them! Now it's time for my chai tea latte, it's over due for the day!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A Well Deserved Mommy Treat

Baby is fed, bathed, happy and playing. It's a great time to relax. What's a better way to relax than to chill out with a glass of yummy wine? Well I say, one that's low calorie and super yummy; Skinnygirl Sangria of course! Hopefully soon I will be able to try the new Cosmo!

Well, I've got my sangria garnished with some fresh organic strawberries. Have a relaxing evening everyone!

What is for breakfast?

So, I am not much of a cook. In our house my wonderful husband does most of our meals, except when it comes to baby food. My daughter, Evey, who is now close to being 7 months old has been the "guinea pig" lately of my sad culinary experiments. Ok, so these are 1-2 ingredient, blended to liquid experiments, but to her they are new and exciting. Evey goes monkeys for bananas! As convenient as it is, jar food is simply more expensive than home made baby grub. Today I whipped out my blender and puréed the crap out of a few bananas!

So, before I made all her food, love bug got hungry so I did feed her a great substitute for home made. She got: Ella's Kitchen; banana baby brekkie. It's organic fruit yogurt and brown rice made for babies 6 months and up...she loved it! I bought the cool squeezable pouch at Target (everybody loves Target) for about $1.20!


Hey there! Welcome to the beginning of my new blog. I have started many in the past, but as many of you can imagine, life gets in the way of spending time ranting on the computer.

You can probably tell by the title that I am indeed a MOMMY. I am a mommy of a beautiful baby girl, her name is Evey Rose, she is my world.

Many things are happening in my life these days, I am a newlywed, somewhat new mommy, full time student, and trying to get a little travel time in there as well. Why not get a little bit of social life in there with blogging as well?

I hope you all enjoy our daily nonsense that we have in our household. Share your thoughts, stories, complaints, whatever...with me!

Thanks, Jamie