Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Toes to the nose

Little is obsessed with her toes again! She went through a phase at about 3 months and it seems that they are fascinating her all over again. Must be a new teething technique. Now that she is cutting 2 more new teeth, she will have a mouth filled with 6 sharp little fangs!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hello number 2!

Looks like Evey will have a sibling to play with soon. We cannot wait to welcome baby #2!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey day!

This year was Evey's first Thanksgiving, and we did it Canadian style! By that I mean our best Canadian friends invited us Americans to dinner instead of us Americans inviting the Canadians for an American Thanksgiving. It was a great time with great friends. Evey was the cutest little turkey!