Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Another Semester Down

Yes! Another term closer to finishing my degree.

I was happy to check my grades today and find that I got a 95% on my Final Exam in my Childhood Activities class, and a 100% on my Final Exam in my Children with Special Needs class. Pleased. I am rather pleased to be done with those two professors though, one was really boring and one was too busy griping about people that never did their work during class that she failed to make it through most of her lessons...great.

On to other things.

Tired. That is all I feel lately. When you have to get up to pee every 10 minutes at night because you have a baby jumping on your bladder, it makes it really hard to get a good nights sleep. Not that I will get much sleep when little Andrew is born anyways.

This week I will be 33 weeks pregnant, Yikes. That means in just 4 weeks, I will be full term and can expect the wee man to show up anytime after that. OH MY GOODNESS. I am anxious, excited, scared, but really I just want to hold our baby!

I am slowly realizing that everything we have is pink and purple...In much need of some green and brown things. The poor boy will be nursed under a purple cover on a pink butterfly covered Boppy. Sorry munchkin.

This past weekend:

I have pictures from this past weekend but am too lazy to find the cord to load them right now. Ill work on that later. I am patiently waiting for my "Push Gift" to arrive today. Andrew, my darling, my love, my sweet sweet husband bought me a Nikon D5100 *so excited* so I can play paparazzi to our children and him. (my mom chipped in as well as an early birthday gift) Those things cost more than Id ever like to admit spending. Truly, as wise investment for us though, now I will just have to learn how to use it...oy.

Waiting for Evey to wake up from her nap. I will update later on today or tomorrow about our weekend and what we have to come here in the next few weeks. Life is busy, although I am not sure what we are busy doing :)


Monday, May 21, 2012

Our Day in Pictures

Weight, Wait, Weight!

Weight and Waiting.

I am waiting to pop this baby out, as the weight piles on.

Ok, so I have gained a fairly modest amount, but when you are only 5'2...Those pounds look like they are multiplied by 3!

Saturday evening Andrew had a nice laugh at me as I lay on the floor on my back throwing what he calls my "Toddler Tantrums"...which by the way has only occurred twice *both while pregnant*. It truly SUCKS when none of your clothes fit, or rather they don't fit "right". I am not a body perfection freak, but going from being fairly athletic and in-shape to having 2 kids in 2 years and seeing the crazy differences...Its mind blowing.

I know I sound like a bag of "waah wahh", give me a break I am 21, when I am 25 maybe then Ill consider letting myself go (just kidding).

I have convinced Andrew that once this baby is born we are going back on the 17 day diet, obviously I will be making a few adjustments since the plan is to breastfeed and that takes about 2-300 extra calories *but burns almost 800 woo hoo*. Most likely I will just add dressing to my salads and possibly eat an entire egg, instead of just egg whites.

...Looking forward to the next 8 weeks of not dieting, but watching what I eat. Oh joy. If I am cranky, I apologize in advanced.

That is all for now!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Its Saturday, woo hoo!

This week felt a bit busy. We had doctors appointments, errands to run, friends to see.

Evey was all over the house this week because we had a few days of yucky weather. Not to mention I am also not sleeping lately, and I happen to be exhausted.

We went and enjoyed dinner with the newlyweds this week, I think Kirsten is getting into the housewife role and testing out all of her new dishes on us, I am 100% ok with that!
Evey enjoyed her chicken tortilla soup, it was yummy.

Evey had steak, pork, chicken, scrambled eggs, and rice this week...she loved all of it. Still cant get her to eat a darn banana. Figures.

I had my monthly check up with the OB/GYN on Thursday. My appointments will now be every other week because I am already at 31 weeks. It is hard to believe that in about 7 or 8 weeks we will have another baby to  bring home.

I do believe that my "nesting" is in full force, a simple dish left on the counter is giving me anxiety, which is not good because our daughter is a walking..running...tornado these days.

We are in the final count down, I am so excited but I think we are scared $hitless, although Andrew doesn't let onto that.

Here comes the no sleeping again, which means grouchy Jamie. Watch out!

Oh. I almost forgot to mention that we switched out Eveys Glowy for a pink one this week. I was so afraid that she wouldnt take it because she is so attached to her blue one...but she LOVES it. Cannot get her to put it down and I am relieved!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Enjoying a Simple Monday

After a weekend of fun, Monday was pretty quiet, but much needed.

We had a wedding this weekend in Galveston, Kirsten and Justin finally decided to officially tie the knot. Could not be happier for them! They are a great couple, although very different from us "Ulsher's" they are so pleasant to be around...and they ADORE our sweet baby girl. Evey LOVES her Uncle Justin!

They had a small gathering in Galveston, of maybe 20 or so, we were lucky to make the cut of "close friends and family." Was a short and sweet ceremony down in the sand, and then a BBQ style buffet for a reception. The day went by hard and fast, but they looked so incredibly happy and in love. Congrats!

Evey did not care for the beach, I do not blame her. The water smelt of fish and muck, and the sand left much to be desired. We dipped her toes in the water just to see if she would like it...Not so much!

We headed home the same evening, originally we had planned to stay, but with only a less than 2 hour drive it didn't seem worth it to board the dog and deal with hotel crap.

Then came Sunday, Mother's Day. Number 2 for me! We spent much of the day relaxing, thankfully. Had plans to go out for sushi, our tradition for special days, but were too much of bums and ordered a pizza in at my request.

Darling husband gave me happy mothers day wishes and not to mention the 3 cards *technically one from Boo, one from Evey, and one from him* A nice size Snickers bar, that Evey attempted to throw in my soaking tub, and 3, yes 3 trays of my favorite cupcakes. Thanks Honey. Did I mention that he even ran to the store for milk? Good Husband.

Weekends like this, filled with weddings and appreciation make me reflect on life. My happy life, with bumpy moments. It makes me think about what makes me happy, my family, health, and myself...why myself? I make myself happy, yes, ooo ahh, she said it. I know that the REASON I am happy each day is because I give myself a happy life. The choices you make for YOURSELF for YOUR LIFE are what make you happy. Things don't HAPPEN to you, you happen TO LIFE. Each decision you make, makes your life. I've been to Hell and BACK. Never once did I blame someone else for my struggles, I divorced, why, because I MARRIED an idiot.I got remarried because I LOVE a wonderful man. I've had many other trials, and happy days like weddings and mothers day remind me get to those happy days because you wisely deal with the crappy days. It always feels good to reflect.

Friday, May 11, 2012


2 wonderful years ago, my darling husband and I began "dating". Sure, we do not know what else to call it, I was pretty much moved in since day 1. It just worked out that way. 2 years later, and 2 babies...Life is good.

I do not think we could ask for more. We are happily married, beautiful children, wonderful mutt, some great family members, we are truly "living the life".

Bring on the next 2 years please...and many more after.

Our SECOND date. He was showing off, bought awesome seats at the symphony and took me out for a nice dinner. :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Play Time

I made Evey come along with me to the mall today, as if either of us had a choice.

Since she was SO good while I was scavenging sale racks, I took her over to the little indoor play area and let her romp around.

She kissed the cow numerous times, hated being in the boat, dared to climb up the tall stairs and had fun running and running and running.

There were eventually a bunch of other kids, I thought it might freak their parents out if I was constantly snapping shots of her playing with them. She played with a 2 year old girl who wanted to hold Eveys hand, was super cute.

I know I got the evil eye from these old folks because I PUT Evey's shoes on instead of taking them off like the other kids. I have to preserve her little baby feet...It's not like the shoes are dirty anyways..In fact I think some of those kids feet were quite disgusting anyways.

There was a lot of fun to be had, she shook her nuby keys at all of the boys, and intensely watched the other children play and screamed an occasional "Hiiiii"! Was so cute.

We will go back. We must.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Today is Tuesday.

We started the morning off with early dentist appointments. Andrew reported that Evey was well behaved during my cleaning. Apparently she ran around the waiting room saying "hi" to everyone until she had a diaper that needed immediate attention.

I took her home during Andrews appointment, she was sleepy from being up so early. She played, ate, and napped...the life of a 1 year old!

Her and I are back from our "daily stroll"... She strolls, I waddle! It's quite hot outside here in Houston, I had planned on walking further but my tightening belly convinced me otherwise.

Now we sit in the playroom, she's eating cereal off of the floor like a dog...with the dog. I am checking emails and going down my list of school work I need to complete today, fun!

So far, other than being a bit grumpy from another early morning...Tuesday has been a pretty fine day.

Hoping everyone has an interesting Tuesday!!!

Monday, May 7, 2012


Evey and I make a special effort on Monday's to have fun around the house. Often, we are running errands the rest of the week and weekend. We take this day to explore the playroom, go for walks, make messes, splash in our toys outside, and spend time relaxing together (Evey style)! Most weeks I like Monday, every once in a while I do not. Those days I wish I could stay in bed curled up with a good book and a cup of coffee, luckily matter what day, wakes up smiling and ready to make me laugh and be silly with her.Happy Monday Everyone!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Heat is On

Lately, the weather here in Houston has been quite toasty.

During our daily walks both Evey and I work up a sweat, then afterwards she likes to run around the backyard and play with her water table.

She enjoys chasing Boo around and screaming like a wild child, love that girl.

Lots of outside time lately before it gets miserably hot...its on its way!!!!

She LOVES her water table, and BOO!